Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Book recommendation: Life after the 30 second spot

I've been meaning to write a review of Joseph Jaffe's new book entitled Life After the 30-second spot but Dave Morgan beat me to the punch. His review is in iMedia's Book Club. Thanks for saving me time, Dave!

If I was in my old role of championing interactive advertising (e.g., on the board of the IAB, Chairman of the CMO council, etc.), I would encourage every online sales organization to have their sales people hand deliver the book to key decision makers at major brands and agencies. There aren't many better tools to shake up their thinking than this book.

Like his presentations, Joseph is always entertaining, thought-provoking and chock-a-block full of ideas that can be put into practice. Joseph was on fire in this book. He even presents his 10-step plan for members of the 30-secondaholics anonymous.

Joseph has been popping up all over sharing his insights related to his book.
He also has a fun spoof of the TV upfront here.

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